UDOT Needs Your Input
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is seeking public input on an active transportation planning effort from July 14 to August 28 to identify areas where non-motorized transportation paths, including biking lanes, trails, multi-use paths, crosswalks, and sidewalks are needed on state roads.
How can I provide feedback?
UDOT is currently seeking public input to identify walking and biking needs and to inform the design of safe routes in Utah communities. Your feedback is vital to ensure the Active Transportation Project represents our shared vision for Utah. Visit publicinput.com/udotplanning to provide feedback in the following ways:
- Take a 30-second survey
- Fill out a comment form
- Identify active transportation needs on a map
You can also participate by contacting a project representative directly by calling 385-360-1900 or emailing planning@utah.gov.
What is Active Transportation?
Active transportation is human-powered transportation like walking, biking, using a wheelchair or hand cycling. UDOT plans and implements active transportation facilities on state roads to help provide access for those walking and biking.
What are the types of active transportation facilities?
- Crosswalks and other road crossings
- Multiuse trails
- On-street bike lanes
- School routes
- Continuous and connecting sidewalks
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible design
- Access to transit
Why do we need better walking and biking facilities?
For many people who are unable to drive, choose not to drive, or don’t have regular access to a vehicle, active transportation facilities are vital networks for accessing jobs, school and other services.