Inauguration Day Impacts
The inauguration of the 17th president of the University of Utah, Taylor R. Randall will be held on Wednesday, March 23, at 4:30 p.m. in Kingsbury Hall.
Visitors attending the event may ride UTA TRAX to the Stadium Station or park in the Stadium Lot. From here, attendees may ride the Campus Shuttle directly to Kingsbury Hall. Visitors unfamiliar with campus can also utilize the Campus Map to get walking directions and find bicycle parking near the venue.
On the event day, March 23, faculty, staff and students are encouraged to avoid bringing their vehicle to campus and ride public transportation for free instead. However, those who must drive to campus should prepare for traffic congestion on University Street and limited parking in the Stadium Lot and lots surrounding the Presidents Circle area, including the Northwest Garage, Naval Science Lot and more.
For more information about the transportation impacts and options available during the inauguration, call the Commuter Services Information Center at (801) 581-6415.