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100 South Reconstruction Project

100 South Reconstruction Project

900 East to University Street:

Due to the failing pavement conditions on 100 South, 900 East to University Street will be reconstructed beginning June 14, 2021, through October 2021. Motorists can expect minor delays as this work will require single-lane closures. Additionally, pedestrians and cyclists traveling through the area should be aware that some sections of the sidewalk and driveway will be under construction. This project also includes replacing the storm drain and curb and gutter along the corridor, replacing the water main between 1000 East and 1100 East and slip lining the existing sewer line.


Intersection of University Street and 100 South:

For safety improvements, the intersection of University Street and 100 South will be under construction beginning June 21, 2021. Motorists can expect minor delays as lane closures will be in effect. Safety improvements include wider corners to better align the traffic lanes from east to west, bulb-outs to shorten the crossing lengths, new traffic signals. The realignment of the intersection will remove the dedicated right-turn lanes currently on the north and east legs.

Beginning August 20. University Street will be closed between 100 South and 200 South. During this closure, traffic will be directed down 200 South to 1300 East. From here, motorists can turn either direction on 100 South (see map below).

Visit to learn more about this construction project. 

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